Vilanye's Picture


If you enjoy lots of random stream of consciousness rambling, with some word salad mixed in, along with recipes and technical topics, you are in the right place.

171 Informative and Enthralling Posts

Baking Tools and Ingredients

A quick overview of important tools for the kitchen

A Practical Example of Metaprogramming in Ruby

Programs that write programs

Sleepy Time

More attempts at sleeping like a human.

Opioids, Vertigo, Ghosts, and Spiders

More data points for my opioid/mental illness conjecture.

The Last Page of Ruby Rambling...

A rambling intoduction to Ruby

More Ruby Awesomeness Pt. 3

A rambling intoduction to Ruby

Why I like Ruby 2

A rambling intoduction to Ruby

Why I like Ruby

A rambling intoduction to Ruby


Who doesn't like guac?

Southwestern Marinated Flank Steak

An easy and flexible broiled flank steak recipe