Vilanye's Picture


If you enjoy lots of random stream of consciousness rambling, with some word salad mixed in, along with recipes and technical topics, you are in the right place.

171 Informative and Enthralling Posts


Looking into the past to find the path forward.

Rocky Road Candy

What could be better than milk chocolate, peanuts and marshmallows?

240 hours

For 30 days, I slept as many hours as a human, but still did not sleep like one.


Trying to meet my New year's goals.

Guaiwei Ji

A spicy chicken dish

Cucumber Vinegar Salad

An easy and light salad that goes well with Asian food

Chili Oil

A hot oil to nock your Asian recipes up a notch

Sesame Paste

Useful in many Asian recipes.

Cannellini and Escarole

A light vegeterian dish

Chicken Buckwheat Soup

A nice Russian soup